2025 Agendas

Live Streaming of City Council Meetings on YouTube

Effective Tuesday, September 10, the City of Glenwood will begin live streaming all City Council meetings via our official YouTube channel: youtube.com/@CityofGlenwoodIA.

This transition to YouTube will allow us to maintain a permanent archive of meeting recordings, providing easier access for the public and ensuring all recordings are stored in a single, easily accessible location.

We encourage residents to take advantage of this opportunity to stay informed and engaged with local government proceedings.

01.14.2025 Tentative Agenda- 1.14.2025 Council Packet

 01.28.2025 Tentative Agenda- 01.28.2025 Council Packet

02.11.2025 Tentative Agenda-02.11.2025 Council Packet

02.15.2025 Special Meeting Agenda

02.25.2025 Tentative Agenda  –02.25.2025 Council Packet

02.27.2025 Special Meeting Agenda

03.11.2025 Tentative Agenda – 03.11.2025 Council Packet 

03.25.2025 Tentative Agenda-03.25.2025 Council Packet