Notice: Live Streaming of City Council Meetings on YouTube
Effective Tuesday, September 10, the City of Glenwood will begin live streaming all City Council meetings via our official YouTube channel:
This transition to YouTube will allow us to maintain a permanent archive of meeting recordings, providing easier access for the public and ensuring all recordings are stored in a single, easily accessible location.
We encourage residents to take advantage of this opportunity to stay informed and engaged with local government proceedings.
Tentative agendas can be found below. Items in blue are links to the supporting documents and make up the Council packet that is given to them at the meetings. Council agenda may be amended up to 24 hours prior to the start of a City Council meeting.
11.9.2024 Closed Session Agenda – Revised to Reflect Correct Date on Agenda
11.8.2024 Public Reception Agenda – Public Reception for Glenwood City Administrator Candidates
11.5.2024 Tentative Agenda – 11.5.2024 Council Packet
10.23.2024 Tentative Agenda- Closed Session to review applicants
2024.10.17 Agenda – Super Board Meeting – These meetings are informational only, no action is taken and they are open to the public.
10.8.2024 Tentative Agenda – 10.8.2024 Council Packet
8.27.2024 Tentative Agenda – Council Packet 8.27.24
8.13.2024 Tentative Agenda – 8.13.2024 Council Packet (The links on the PDF are live)
2024.07.25 Agenda – Super Board Meeting
7.23.2024 Tentative Agenda – 7.23.2024 Council Packet
6.25.2024 TENTATIVE AGENDA – 6.25.2024 Council Packet
6.11.2024 Tentative Agenda – 6.11.2024 CITY COUNCIL PACKET 6.11.2024 COMMITTEE MTG PACKET
6.4.24 Special Meeting Tentative Agenda – 6.4.24 Special Meeting Council Packet
5.28.2024 Meeting was cancelled.
05.14.2024 Tentative Agenda – 5.14.24 Council Packet
04.23.2024 Tentative Agenda – Council Packet
4.16.2024 Tentative Agenda – Special Joint Meeting City Council & Park Board
04.09.2024 Tentative Agenda – 4.09.2024 Council Packet
4.2.24 Agenda – Proposed Property Tax Levy Public Hearing- Setting Budget Adoption Public Hearing Council Packet
4.2.2024 Tentative Agenda – Setting Pub Hrg Date for Budget Adoption – Public Hearing Council Packet
2024.03.28 Agenda – Super Board Meeting
03.26.2024 Tentative Agenda – 3.26.2024 Council Packet
03.12.2024 Tentative Agenda – 3.12.2024 Council Packet
02.27.2024 Tentative Agenda – 2.27.24 City Council Packet
2.20.2024 Budget Workshop – We will be meeting at Glenwood Public Library 109 N Vine Street. This is a work session only, no action will be taken. This meeting is open to the public.
02.13.2024 Tentative Agenda – 2.13.2024 Council Packet
2.5.24 Special Meeting – City Council Interviews
01.23.2024 TENTATIVE AGENDA – 01.23.2024 Council Packet
01.09.2024 TENTATIVE AGENDA – 01.09.2024 COUNCIL PACKET – Links are live. Our meeting is being streamed this evening, however, we have been having issues with our Wifi and our electricity. If we lose connection, we will try to restore our connection as best we can.
*There are some significant changes to the FY25 budget process, particularly concerning public hearings and notifications. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:
1. **Two Public Hearings**: The City must hold two public hearings on the proposed budget. One is specifically for the proposed property tax levy, and the other is for the budget adoption.
2. **Mailing from County Auditor**: The County Auditor will send out a mailing to all property owners within the county with information on their specific tax levy requests from the County, schools and cities. This mailing will include the dates, times, and locations of the public hearings.
3. **April 2, 2024**: Two meetings will be held on this date. The first, at 6:00 p.m., will be the proposed property tax levy public hearing. The second, at 7:00 p.m., will formally set the public hearing date for the budget adoption. If the first meeting runs past 7:00 p.m., the second meeting will begin after it concludes.
4. **Proposed Property Tax Levy Public Hearing, First Meeting at 6:00 p.m.**: This must be scheduled prior to the mailing from the County Auditor. It will focus solely on the proposed property tax levy and cannot include any other agenda items.
5. **Second Meeting**: This will occur at 7:00 p.m. where the public hearing date for the budget adoption will be set. This meeting cannot occur until after the proposed property tax levy public hearing is held.
6. **Publication Requirements**: Both public hearings must be published in the Opinion Tribune and on City of Glenwood websites and social media sites. This must occur no less than 10 days and no more than 20 days before the public hearing date.
7. **Online Streaming**: Both meetings will be streamed online through the normal GoToMeeting link.
These changes ensure transparency and public participation in the budget adoption process, allowing property owners to understand and provide input on tax levies.