Fairview Creek Project

PLEASE CLICK HERE  for Notice of Hearing and Letting for FAIRVIEW CREEK PROJECT


6.27.2024 Update – Revised
Kerns Excavating has finished the main construction of the project. They will be returning to finish the grading, seed the area and put the matting down. While the final pay request was approved, we hold the final check for 30 days or until the work is completed satisfactorily, whichever is longer.  The sidewalk on the northside was tore out, the area underneath it was reinforced and the sidewalk was replaced. Additional erosion control mats may be placed on the west side, if needed.
6.5.2024 Updates

**Fairview Creek Project Update**

The City has allocated the necessary funds, along with a contingency, for this project. There has never been an anticipated shortage of funds, and the project has not been altered due to any “funding shortage.” While the City did explore additional grant funding options for the project, these efforts were not successful.

Length of Concrete Tied Matting:
During the initial design phase of the project, the length of the concrete tied matting was adjusted to comply with permitting requirements for work within a waterway. This alteration does not impact the design or longevity of the project. The concrete matting is essential for maintaining the flowline in place until vegetation is established, allowing the stream to return to a natural state. The matting has been installed with concrete embedment according to our design specifications.

Sidewalk Inspection and Updates:
We are planning to remove the sidewalk on the north side of the street to inspect the tubes underneath, as requested. Should we discover any additional issues during the removal process, we will develop a plan and relay it to the City. Residents should be aware that this sidewalk is on private property and is not the City’s responsibility. No official contract changes or communication will occur until we have evaluated the conditions. Following this assessment, the City Council can decide how to proceed, and we will instruct the contractor to include this in their contract, if directed.

5.13.2024 Update
Kerns Excavating will be working on replacing the main water line that was damaged. Once that is done they will be finishing the bank stabilization and repairing sidewalks on the north and south side.

4.10.2024 Update
Steel was delivered last week, next steps are to place the steel in the ground to help stabilize the bank. Residents who live near this project should expect additional activity, loud noises and ground vibration as the steel beams are put into the ground. A flyer has been created for residents and we will work on getting it to them by end of this week. Fairview Creek Project Update Re: Sheet Piling Installation 

4.5.24 Update
Trees have been taken down and Kerns Excavating is waiting on steel beams to be delivered. Once the work in the creek area has finished, they will work on getting the sidewalk poured and a fence will be added around the creek area.

3.26.2024 Update
Kerns Excavating is planning to start removing trees on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. City Council decided at their last meeting to pay for this project out of RUT and not add it to a possible GO Bond or use ARPA funds.

3.8.2024 Update
A flyer is going out to property owners near the Fairview Creek, construction is set to start in the next couple of weeks with tree removal. Kerns Excavating is our contractor for this project, they plan to have the projected completed in June. Contact information for this project is available on the flyer linked HERE.

1.24.2024 Update
Jake Zimmerer from Eagle Engineering gave Council an update on the progress of this project. Kerns Excavating will begin cutting down trees on the bank of the creek before April 1, 2024 per DNR regulations, then will begin stabilizing the banks as the weather warms up a bit more. They plan to have this project done before the end of FY24 (June 30, 2024). As more updates and timelines are available, we will post them here.

11.17.2023 Update
At the November 14, 2023 City Council meeting, the Council accepted the bid from Kerns Excavating for the Fairview Creek Stabilization project. In the coming weeks we will be meeting with Kerns Excavating and finalizing a timeline for this project.  Council is determining the best funding option for this project, which includes considering use of ARPA funds.

Bids were as follows: 
Kerns Excavating – $183,088.80 – Awarded
Leick Construction – $225,370.90
Neuvirth’s Construction Inc – $445,195.75
Pruett Grading – $194,143.60
VRBA Construction – $263,432.80
United Contractors, Inc – $189,310.00

7.26.2023 Update
City Council members met with Jake Zimmerer from Eagle Engineering and discussed the Fairview Creek project at the Tuesday, July 25th Council Meeting. City Council is wanting to move forward with this project. It was noted the West side of the bank will remain the highest priority. Next steps will be to formally approve Eagle Engineering creating a plan and putting together a bid package. Once that is complete the project would be able to go out for bid.  Due to the possible high cost of these improvements, City Council will be looking for funding opportunities, grants and possibly reallocating other funds toward this projects – these conversations will be ongoing as this project progresses.

4.12.2023 Update
Eagle Engineering has finished the survey and elevation study on the creek bed that is North of Fairview and extends into the School’s property.  The City, Eagle Engineering and DNR are brainstorming  plans to stabilize the banks and funding opportunities and.  It has been determined the West side of the bank is the top priority.  The end goal is to be able to open up the area again to foot traffic and work with the School to provide a sidewalk through the ROW.  We will continue to work with all partners to enhance this area and reopen it once the bank has been stabilized.

March 2023
The City is working with DNR and our engineers, Eagle Engineering Group, to formulate a plan to stabilize the bank and hopefully restore the walking path between Fairview and the Middle School. Eagle Engineering has been tasked with surveying the creek including an elevation survey. Once this is done, Eagle Engineering and Public Works will work with DNR to create a plan and look for funding sources to complete this project.

This area will remain closed to the public. Snow fencing and signs will remain in place.  We will update this page as more information is available.