Cemetery Agendas


01.15.2025 Tentative Agenda


1.17.2024 Meeting Canceled

2.21.2024 Tentative Agenda

3.20.2024 Tentative Agenda

4.17.2024 Tentative Agenda   Meeting Canceled

5.15.2024 Tentative Agenda

6.19.2024 Meeting Canceled

7.17.2024 Tentative Agenda – Canceled due to Lack of Quorum

8.21.2024 Tentative Agenda

9.18.2024 Meeting Canceled

10.16.2024 Tentative Agenda- Canceled due to Lack of Quorum

11.20.2024 Tentative Agenda

12.18.2024 Tentative Agenda


1.18.2023 Tentative Agenda

2.15.2023 Tentative Agenda

3.15.2023 Tentative Agenda

4.19.2023 Meeting Canceled

5.17.2023 Tentative Agenda

6.21.2023 Tentative Agenda

7.19.2023 Tentative Agenda

8.16.2023 Tentative Agenda

9.20.2023 Meeting Canceled

10.18.2023 Tentative Agenda

11.15.2023 Tentative Agenda

12.20.2023 Tentative Agenda


1.19.2022 Tentative Agenda

2.16.2022 Tentative Agenda

3.16.2022 Tentative  Agenda

4.20.2022 Tentative Agenda

5.18.2022  Tentative Agenda

6.15.2022 Tentative Agenda Meeting Canceled

7.20.2022 Tentative Agenda

8.17.2022 Tentative Agenda

9.21.2022 Tentative Agenda

10.19.2022 Tentative Agenda

11.16.2022 Tentative Agenda

**12.21.2022 Meeting Canceled


1.20.2021 Tentative Agenda

2.17.2021 Tentative Agenda

3.17.2021 Tentative Agenda

4.21.2021 Tentative AgendaMeeting Canceled – No April 2021 meeting

5.19.2021 Tentative Agenda- Meeting Canceled – No May 2021 meeting

6.16.2021 Tentative Agenda

7.21.2021 Tentative Agenda

9.15.2021 Tentative Agenda

10.20.2021 Tentative Agenda

11.17.2021 Tentative Agenda

**No December 2021 Meeting


1.15.2020 Tentative Agenda

2.19.2020 Tentative Agenda

5.20.2020 Tentative Agenda

6.17.2020 Tentative Agenda

7.15.2020 Tentative Agenda

8.19.2020 Tentative Agenda

9.16.2020 Tentative Agenda

10.21.2020 Tentative Agenda

11.18.2020 Tentative Agenda

12.16.2020 Tentative Agenda